To Each his Own

While there is no prescribed way to solve a MBA CET question paper. The way I see it is that, there are 200 apples on a tree and you are required to collect as many as you can. Each individual can devise his or her own style of section sequence and time allotment. This decision should be in accordance with an individual's liking and should bring out the best performance out of that mock, that is all that is needed.

In my case, the sequence and time allotted was as follows:

This sequence and time allotment was decided after many experiments in the initial days of mock taking. This practice is very important because, finding what best suits you is the crux of the entire mock taking exercise.

However, this was not exactly the sequence that I followed on the D-day. Yes, I took 35 mocks and followed the aforementioned pattern however after getting reviews about the first day from my friends I got convinced to play the gamble of jumbling the sequence a little (not the wisest thing to do) 

Puzzles have always been the achilles' heel for me( and many others like me). We do not belong to that class of wizards, who solve tough puzzles with so much ease, that it is an insult to our struggle.   

I have seen a friend diving into a 3 parameter puzzle set and jumping out victorious, in just 6-7 minutes and that too with a smile on his face through out. I, on the other hand took not less than 12-13 minutes for a set like that, assuming I solve it correctly. Such was the plight.

Notice how in my strategy, puzzles sit right in the middle. Another problem with puzzles is that, after the end of those 30 minutes allotted for puzzles, you know how good/bad you have performed. This is a major problem. Sovling more than expected can lift your morale, but the opposite can shake you to the core and affect the remaining part of the question solving process.
This implies that:  How well you do in the mock depends on how well you solve puzzles.

But then, what about people like me?
The answer is simple, shift the puzzle solving towards the very end.

This helped me concentrate on my strong aspects and solve them first. After solving every other part, My morale was boosted, I had no undue pressure, I had the much needed smile on my face before touching the first puzzle set. 
And mind you, this smile is the secret ingredient which will help you sail through puzzles.

My sequence and time allotment on the D-day:

This slight change worked like magic, however I do not recommend making such last minute changes to your strategy.
If this had not worked out properly, I would have regretted not following the original sequence.
PS: You can have a different sequence and time allocation as per your liking. The ultimate aim is to fetch low hanging apples first and then strive for those distant ones. What is a low hanging fruit for you might be a tough nut to crack for the other guy. So, plan accordingly :)

As the name of the post suggest- To each his own.

 Until next time...


  1. Solving verbal in 20 mins
    And scoring in the range of 30-35
    Please glance me through this
    Your strategy for verbal ? which Question to do first ? how to solve RCs?
    I am facing a problem in varc section

    1. Hello Aditya, I will be writing a dedicated detailed post on solving verbal. Watch this space. All the best.

  2. Much needed!! Thanks for keeping us on track amid your busy schedule


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